Magnets New Zealand are the leaders in magnetic separation, producing high quality separation equipment ensuing ferrous free product and also protecting important machinery from damage caused by rogue bolts and nuts.

Our range of Cross Belt Overband Systems come in a number of varieties ranging from a minimum of 4,000 gauss for a deeper magnetic field to 10,000 gauss for a short but intense magnetic field and are designed to run in parallel to your belt to extract ferrous contaminant.

Using their thick durable belts these systems are not only capable of cleaning themselves but if connected to a hopper, can dispose of material automatically requiring no operators to conduct manual cleaning.

Each system will come equipped with a 12 month test certificate to fulfil food safety and supplier requirement audits.
If you are unsure what system is best suited for your line (deep field or shallow field) ask us for some technical advice.

Need a custom size, get in touch with the team to arrange a quote for a system tailored to your needs.

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