Magnetic sweepers make collecting ferrous objects from the ground a breeze. We have several stock sizes of hand sweepers in stock which are idea for use around he factory, home garage, carpark or yards to collect dropped bolts, nuts and nails making a safe working environment while also reducing punctures to vehicle tyres.
We have two types of hand sweepers being an EasyClean model that you can clean/remove contaminant from by using your hand in a thick leather glove, or for a full no contact system our heavy duty sweeper with a quick release system to drop any caught contaminant by pulling the handle on the unit to disengage the magnetic force of the system.
If none of our stock sizes meet your requirements, or if you are using your sweeper in an environment like grass or a yard with deep potholes, ask us to custom make you a sweeper to any size. Get in touch with the team today to get a quote.